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Showing posts from 2012

How to outperform std::vector in 1 easy step

Everyone who's familiar with C++ knows that you should avoid resizing a std::vector inside a loop wherever possible. The reasoning's pretty obvious: the memory allocated for the vector doubles in size each time it fills up and that doubling is a costly operation. Have you ever wondered why it's so costly though? It's tempting to assume that because implementations of the STL have been around for so long that they must be pretty efficient. It turns out that's a bad assumption because the problem, in this case, is the standard itself: specifically, the allocator interface. The allocator interface provides two methods that obtain and release memory: allocate allocates uninitialized storage (public member function) deallocate deallocates storage (public member function) (taken from this page ). What's missing is a   way of growing an existing memory allocation in place. In C this is provided by the realloc function, but there's no equiva...

Ludum Dare 24 Results

The voting has finally finished and the Ludum Dare 24 results are finally out. My game , frankly, did a lot better than I expected: Humour #36 Fun #239 Mood #296 Overall #417 Graphics #600 Innovation #603 Audio #615 Theme #672 There were 1006 entries in the 48 hour competition. I'd been hoping to finish in the top half of the rankings this time after a poor showing last time and that's what I managed: 417th overall. The big surprise was the humour score: wow! I was worried that the humour might be a bit too straight-faced for people, or that I'd be the only one who found it funny. Being wrong has rarely been a happier experience! I was also really pleased with the Fun score. To me that's the most important category after Overall. It means I made something that people enjoyed playing and that's a really rewarding feeling. It was nice to get a decent score for the mood category too, but I've never really understood what it means exactly. The ot...

Invaders: Evolution Post-mortem

Invaders: Evolution is the game I wrote for the 24th Ludum Dare competition. It's the 3rd time I've made a game for LD (as well as one for a MiniLD event) & although I think my games get a bit better each time, I still have so much to learn. This is a post-mortem not just for the game, but for my competition experience as well. The game is basically Space Invaders, but with a twist: it tells the back-story of the aliens through cut-scenes as you play. It also has two possible endings, one of which is rather unconventional by video game standards. You can try it out, or find out more, here: Post-competition version  (fixes some of the bugs in the competition version) Competition version  (this is what I submitted for the competition) Ludum Dare page (vote for it if you can!) Source code What went right I made a game! There was a low point where I thought I'd have to quit the competition (see the "what went wrong" section), but in the end I cam...

Ludum Dare 24: Evolution

The 24th Ludum Dare competition has just finished.  I got a game in for it, but only barely. In what seems to be becoming a pattern for me, I spent the first day working on an idea I ended up having to abandon. The game I ended up submitting was done in a mad 12 hour rush at the end. Here it is: Invaders: Evolution It's a fresh take (I hope) on the Space Invaders story. What, you didn't realise there was a story to that? Well if there wasn't, there is now... There were a few things about it I was really happy with and a few things that could have gone better. Expect a post-mortem soon.

Solar Sailor Post-mortem

Solar Sailor, for those of you who aren't yet aware, is a fairly simple racing game that I made for the Ludum Dare 48 hour challenge. Here's the competition entry page: Or you can get straight into it here: Making a playable game in just 48 hours is a pretty intense experience. This is my attempt to make sense of it all, with the benefit of a few days worth of hindsight. What went right I used Javascript and WebGL to write the game. Although I was fairly new to Javascript*, it turned out to be a great language for writing a game: Built-in support for object literals (a.k.a JSON) made it very easy to get content into the game. Being able to just hit reload in the browser to test out changes made for a very tight edit-run loop. You effectively get image and font loading for free, thanks to the web browser. Sound too, theoreti...

Solar Sailor is done!

I've submitted a "completed" version of Solar Sailor to the Ludum Dare website. Play the finished game It's been an intense 48 hours but really satisfying now that I'm at the end of it. There's loads more I would have done if I had time, but there some things I was pretty happy with too. I'll post a more complete post-mortem here in a couple of days... once I've had some sleep.

It's a real game!

Solar Sailor is now a real game ! It's actually possible to win or lose. This is quite a breakthrough. :-) Once again, you can try it out here. Also, I've made the play area bigger - it felt a bit too small at 1024x512, so I've enlarged it to 1024x1024. Now to work on the map...

Solar Sailor: semi-playable

More progress! Solar Sailor is now kinda- sorta- playable. You can't win or lose yet, but it does have all this goodness: There are gates that you have to pass through. There's a direction line showing you which gate you have to pass through next. The NPC racers now have some basic AI and will actually try to fly through the gates instead of just drifting serenely and hoping for the best. You can try it out yourself here! If you can't be bothered to try it out, this is what it's looking like now: If you do try it, I'd really appreciate any feedback - especially bug reports!

Progress Update

Solar Sailor is starting to take shape... very very slowly. This is what it looks like now: Doesn't look much different from the first screenshot I posted, does it? Fortunately now there are some proper game mechanics going under the hood: the blue balls are racers, the brown balls are obstacles and I'm simulating the effects of gravity on all the racers. You can control one of the blue balls with the WSAD keys. I can't honestly call it a game yet because there are no win or loss conditions, or anything remotely resembling a challenge. But it's getting there.

Rethinking my Ludum Dare idea

After spending most of today working on a game concept that didn't even excite me, I've realised I need to change direction. The new idea is: Solar Sailor ! You're captaining a (tiny) planet on an epic race around the galaxy. It's going to be, more or less, a top-down 2D racing game - but with a couple of twists. I'm a lot more excited about this one. Hopefully I'll still be able to use most of the code I've written this morning too.

Ludum Dare 23: Tiny World

I'm taking part in Ludum Dare this weekend. The theme is Tiny World. Here's what I've managed so far: This represents about two hours worth of work so far. Most of that time I've spent brainstorming because I was a bit stumped by the theme, but I've got a few ideas now and I'm forging ahead. Wish me luck.

WebGL doesn't have query objects.

WebGL doesn't support query objects yet. There's not even an extension for them. It's a bit of an oversight, but stems from the fact that they aren't in OpenGL ES 2.0 (which WebGL is based on) either. Queries are useful for a number of things. Timer queries can be used to extract detailed profiling information about your rendering. Occlusion queries can be used for culling objects before they're drawn (especially useful if you have an expensive fragment shader). And so on. This is a nuisance for me because I was using an occlusion query to perform fast pixel-accurate collision detection for my c++ game Schroedinger's Cat . Now that I'm attempting to port the game to WebGL, I need to find an alternative approach. Update: I've written a follow-up to this post:  OpenGL ES and occlusion queries .

Quick and easy collision detection

This is a neat little trick I found a few months ago, which I thought was worth documenting. If you're making a 2D sprite based game and want a quick and easy way to do collision detection between the player sprite and the enemy sprites, you can use an OpenGL occlusion query. First of all, start an occlusion query, draw the player's sprite into an empty buffer, then end the query. The result will give you the total number of pixels in the sprite. Then, on every frame: Draw all the enemy sprites at the same depth. Start the occlusion query. Draw the player sprite behind the enemy sprites. End the query and get the result. If the number of pixels drawn from the player is less than the total, they've collided with an enemy. The beauty of this is that it's pixel-accurate and essentially zero cost. The downside is that occlusion query support isn't available in OpenGL ES or WebGL yet, so it won't work there.

Modulus for previous array index

In JavaScript, C and C++, x % y will return a negative number if x is negative. This isn't what you want if you're trying to wrap around an array index (for example). Fortunately there's a nice solution. Instead of writing something like this: int prev(int x, int N) { int prevX = (x - 1) % N; if (prevX you can simply write: int prev(int x, int N) { return (x + N - 1) % N; } and let the magic of modular arithmetic do its work. This works for unsigned integers too.