Here's a neat trick I discovered a couple of months back: given two signed or unsigned integers of the same bit width, you can calculate the length of their common prefix very efficiently:
What's this doing? Let's break it down:
Passing the result of
You can get the common suffix in the same way. The only difference is that you use the
Neat huh?
int common_prefix_length(int a, int b)
return __builtin_clz(a ^ b);
What's this doing? Let's break it down:
a ^ b
is the bitwise-xor of a and b. The boolean xor operation is true when one of it's inputs is true and the other is false; or false if both have the same value. Another way to put this is that xor returns true when its inputs are different and false if they're the same. The bitwise-xor operation then, returns a value which has zeros for every bit that is the same in both a and b; and ones for every bit that's different.__builtin_clz
is a GCC intrisinc function which counts the number of leading zero bits of its argument. It compiles down to a single machine code instruction on hardware that supports it (which includes every Intel chip made in this decade). The Visual C++ equivalent is the _BitScanReverse
intrinsic, which has a slightly more complicated API; implementing the above with it is left as an exercise for the reader. :-)Passing the result of
a ^ b
to __builtin_clz
means we're counting the leading zero bits in a number where a zero bit indicates that the corresponding bits in a and b had the same value; which is exactly how we get the length of the common prefix.You can get the common suffix in the same way. The only difference is that you use the
intrinsic (Visual C++: _BitScanForward
) instead, to count the trailing zero bits:
int common_suffix_length(int a, int b)
return __builtin_ctz(a ^ b);
Neat huh?
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